
> ‘Sown without Care: Dutch Eugenicists and their call for environmental reform’ Biannual Meeting of the Society for the Social History of Medicine (19.07.2024).

> ‘An uncomfortable history of the biomedical career’, Biomedisch Interfacultair congres (19.04.2024).

> With Noortje Jacobs, ‘A good mother enters the clinic: How Dutch preventive child health care ordered everyday lives, 1900-1940’ Centre for History in Public Health: London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (23.04.2024)

> With Noortje Jacobs, ‘When Infant Mortality Was Born: Dutch Preventive Child Health Care without the State, 1890-1930’ Egenis Seminar, University of Exeter (20.05.2024).

> ‘Slordig gezaaide akkers? Nederlandse eugenetici tussen biologische en sociale maakbaarheid,’ Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (11.04.2024).

> ‘Navigating “Open Science.” What it is, can be, and should be‘, invited speaker: Open Statistics (04.12.2023).

> ‘Infant mortality as a public problem’, invited speaker: HHH - medical history meets historical demography (10.3.2023)

> ‘Preventie als sociaal project’, invited speaker: Leergroep ontwikkelkansen BMC (9.3.2023)

> ‘CHALLENGING TUBERCULOSIS — building a consensus on environmental causes during the Dutch interwar years’, Contested Expertise (Gewina, 16-17.06.2022)

> ‘Academic integrity in the context of systemic change’, Pitch @ Summer Seminar on Research Integrity (VU Amsterdam, 26.08.2021).

> ‘From proximal cause to epidemiological unit: conceptualising the eatiology of tuberculosis during the Dutch interwar years’, Early career workshop: What was Epidemiology? The History of an Undisciplined Field (University of Edinburgh, 17.06.2021).

> ‘Doing Good Science in a Compromising Context’, invited speaker: Seminar of Apollo Society for Translational Medicine (U.M.C. Utrecht, 25.06.2021).

> ‘Wetenschap als geïnstitutionaliseerd vertrouwen’, Invited speaker: VeerEvents (UTwente, 18.02.2021).

> ‘We should rethink big-discovery-science’, Material Pioneers symposium III (T.U. Delft, 18.01.2021).

> ‘Success, at last’, International launch of the Journal of Trial and Error (Utrecht, 30.11.2020).

> ‘A Sonderweg of Dutch Public Health? A conceptual history of heredity during the interwar years’, Annual Graduate History Conference (Oxford University, 10.06.2020).

> ‘Malthus on Man: In Animals no Moral Restraint: Social and Environmental Reform around 1900’,  HPS Graduate colloquium (Utrecht University, 23.04.2019).

> ‘History versus Philosophy of Science: How Applied History Requires Bridging Descriptive and Normative Knowledge’, HPS. Peer Seminar (Utrecht University, 26.11.2019).

> with M. Bautista Perpinyà, ‘Back to Bacon and Boyle: what about publishing trial and error?’, keynote address, LMB Graduate Symposium (University of Cambridge, 12.07.2019).

> with S. D. M. Gaillard, ‘Introducing a Journal of Trial and Error’, Gewina Woudschoten Conference for History of Science (Woudschoten, 22.06.2019).

> ‘What about a Journal of Trial and Error?’, Descartes Colloquium, (Utrecht University, 19.06.2019).

This is me in a college residence - preparing my first academic talk at Cambridge. It went okay-ish.